Halo 3 Rumor Control | What Microsoft Didn't Want You to Know ~ Gamers World Bangladesh Blog

Friday, August 03, 2007

Halo 3 Rumor Control | What Microsoft Didn't Want You to Know

A lot of rumors have been swarming around the internet about Microsoft's most anticipated shooter of this year, Halo 3 for the Xbox 360. Gamers World Bangladesh Blog decides to take an in-depth look at the swarming clouds surrounding this rumor.

Microsoft was coy about bringing up new details on Halo 3 in its press conference and at E3. We all saw the first ever campaign footage trailer and that's just about it. So we've done some rumor hunting and discovered a couple of exciting features that Microsoft might have been keeping under the lid. It could very well make it into retail when Halo 3 releases September 25th. So, without further ado here it is:

 1. Four player co-op support: This rumor has been around for a long time. But it got busted when there were no hint of four player co-op achievement in the unveiling of the Halo 3 achievements. However, this has re-surfaced once again. In a recent interview with Major Nelson, Jeff Bell, VP of Global Marketing for Microsoft "sold" the product a little too much. He mentioned how great it was to play Halo 2 co-op with his son and then gave away, "we're really looking forward to playing with my three sons, all together on Halo3". It just might be via system link but the fact that he said this right after mentioning co-op play with his son on Halo 2 adds even more speculation to this rumor.

According to a recent Bungie announcement in Amsterdam, Halo 3 will indeed have 4-player co-op. One player will take the role of Master Chief, another will be The Arbiter and the last two (the suckers) will be Elites. Whether or not Bungie will be renaming "Elite" to "kid not picked in gym class" is still unknown. Source: Kotaku

 2. New weapon unearthed: A new weapons have been found. One is the Brute Excavator which was first spotted in the Halo 3 beta source code. A little while back, the guys over at the 7th Columnist came upon a render of the Excavator while scouring for new bits of info. In addition, the documentary Et tu, Brute? by Bungie featured, you guessed it, the weapon in the hands of a Brute. The boys over at Xbox 360 FanBoy sighted the hammer twice during a walkthrough of Halo 3 at E3; once in a character's hand and at another instance on a character's back. When Sketch was inquired about it while showing the teaser video, he wasn't allowed to comment.

3. A new grenade type: In a Halo 3 trailer video analysis, Joystiq came across what appears to be a new grenade type. Further research in The Art of Halo book revealed that the icon which represents the new grenade type closely resembles the look of the Supa Double Cap Bomb - some sort of a flash grenade that shoots out sparks according to its description.

4. A multiplayer map editor: Last but certainly not the least, 1UP noticed a menu option called "Forge" while taking an exclusive look ad the Halo 3 campaign. Bungie declined to comment what it was about. But if you go back to the Marathon series, you'll recall that Bungie used a program called Forge to build game levels. Therefore, many believe that the menu option means that there could be some sort of multiplayer map editor. The August 7th issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly (EGM) is said to have the insider scoop on this feature.

Well that's what we could dig up folks! Subscribe to the Gamers World Bangladesh Blog Feed/Newsletter to catch the latest updates on Halo 3.

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