Command & Conquer 3 has taken over my life!
I find myself slipping away from my studies just to write this. Why couldn't I do it in my free time you ask? Well, I was too busy playing Command & Conquer 3! C&C3 is the higly anticipated sequel to the C&C3 : Tiberian Sun released way back in 2000. The earth has been infested by an alien-like radioactive substance called Tiberium. The world's two superpowers, the Global Defense Initiative (GDI) and NOD are battling it out to take control of this stuff. GDI sees Tiberium as a threat and wants to eradicate it while NOD embraces the power of the "green crystal" and is bent upon spreading it all over the globe.
C&C 3 greatly improves upon the already excellent gameplay
The missions are well-varied and balanced; its challenging but not impossible.Fans of the series will notice some familiar units such as the all favourite GDI's Elite Mammoth tank, NOD's flame units and structures such as the Ion Cannon and Nod's Obelisk of Light to all new units such as Pitbulls, Predators, Scorpions and Battle Bases. The interdace has been greatly improved; everything is right where it should be and is easier to micromanage. C&C 3 is not your typical build a base and wipe off your opponents type of strategy game. To accomplish a mission, you have to be tactical; rush all your units to full-scal frontal assault and you'll get nowhere of smelling victory.
There are a couple of twists in the storline; right when you think its going to end, it start all over again. Plus there is a new third faction ( I won't spoil it for you) and an unlockable campaign. As I've said before, the missions are diverse. Your objectives will range from infiltrating the enemy base with an elite commanto to sabotage their defenses to bombarding the hell out of them with your firehawk and stealth bombers.
If you're a fan of the Command & Conquer series (an Tiberian Sun in particular) then I need not say more. I guess you're probably blowing NOD staright back to those yellow zones with your Mammoths just as I speak. And there's good news for you, and I can sum it up in two words; Kane's Back. For those whore are not familiar with the series (which I doubt), I urge you to atleast try this game; if you're a strategy fan then you'll surely not be dissapointed if not wowed. As for me, I'm getting back to a quick round of C&C before I resume my studies.