Take my point for example. I'm an avid fan of the Elder Scrolls IV : oblivion. I've completed every single quest in Oblivion. But my love for Oblivion didn't stop there. I've taken great pains to set up a home network to share my internet connection, so that I could download the near 1 GB expansion pack, Shivering Isles, over my lousy 128 kbps connection (it's the fastest in Bangladesh). Trust me it wasn't a happy moment. Not only that, but I've had trouble paying for Shivering Isles because I live in Bangladesh ( and goddamned Microsoft won't accept an international Visa credit card!!). Nasty details aside, and fast forward a couple of days, I was happily exploring the wonderful realm of Sheogorath in Shivering Isles. I've spent over 110 hours in total playing Oblivion, I just can't put it down.. But it seems that I am cursed, because my woes with Oblivion didn't end there.
Recently, I'm getting an unreadavle disk error while playing Shivering Isles. It's gotten so frequent that I can't even load the goddamned game. The cause? If you play long enough on the 360, your game disk could get scratched(more at http://gamersworldbd.blogspot.com/2007/06/xbox-360-can-scratch-your-game-disks.html). My warranty period has expired so there's no
Looks like I will just have to travel thousands of miles to the nearest Gamestop retail outlet in the US to grab a new copy of the game. Yeah, I'll do that. I'll even go to the ends of the earth just to be able to play Oblivion again - heck, it's the only reason I bought an Xbox 360.