Die hard Oblivion fan - disk error - you've just wasted 110 hours! ~ Gamers World Bangladesh Blog

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Die hard Oblivion fan - disk error - you've just wasted 110 hours!

Ugh! That's why I hate consoles - because of their over reliance on the DVD drive and the DVDs itself. If anything goes kaput, then it's game over. Worse still is the fact that a malfunctioning DVD drive in next-gen consoles is next to impossible to replace by yourself.

Take my point for example. I'm an avid fan of the Elder Scrolls IV : oblivion. I've completed every single quest in Oblivion. But my love for Oblivion didn't stop there. I've taken great pains to set up a home network to share my internet connection, so that I could download the near 1 GB expansion pack, Shivering Isles, over my lousy 128 kbps connection (it's the fastest in Bangladesh). Trust me it wasn't a happy moment. Not only that, but I've had trouble paying for Shivering Isles because I live in Bangladesh ( and goddamned Microsoft won't accept an international Visa credit card!!). Nasty details aside, and fast forward a couple of days, I was happily exploring the wonderful realm of Sheogorath in Shivering Isles. I've spent over 110 hours in total playing Oblivion, I just can't put it down.. But it seems that I am cursed, because my woes with Oblivion didn't end there.

Recently, I'm getting an unreadavle disk error while playing Shivering Isles. It's gotten so frequent that I can't even load the goddamned game. The cause? If you play long enough on the 360, your game disk could get scratched(more at http://gamersworldbd.blogspot.com/2007/06/xbox-360-can-scratch-your-game-disks.html). My warranty period has expired so there's no option for replacing the disk. I could just buy a new one - yep, that seems the best option. But ther's just a teeny-weeny problem. I've imported my Xbox 360 and all its game from the US. So none of the pirated games available here in the whole of Bangladesh is going to work on my unmodded X360.

Looks like I will just have to travel thousands of miles to the nearest Gamestop retail outlet in the US to grab a new copy of the game. Yeah, I'll do that. I'll even go to the ends of the earth just to be able to play Oblivion again - heck, it's the only reason I bought an Xbox 360.

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