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Friday, June 08, 2007

PS3 sells one million in PAL region

Just to show you that the PS3 is back in business

A few moments ago, Gamespot.com has just confirmed that just about a few weeks back, the PS3 has sold more than a million weeks in the UK, Europe and Australasia. "This makes the console faster-selling than either of Sony's previous living room machines, the original PlayStation or the PS2."

Gamespot also quoted that Resistance: Fall of Man was the top seller so far, having shifted some 600,000 units, and MotorStorm is revving in second place with a total of approximately 500,000 sales.

The PS3 broke UK console records by selling 165,000 units in the first two days it was on sale in the UK, the second best debut only to the handheld PlayStation Portable. It was also announced in April that the console had reached the 800,000 milestone, with CEO Howard Stringer commenting, "We came into the [European market] with more games, and perhaps we lived up to the expectations in Europe in a way that perhaps we didn't in Japan."

Now I am not (note was) a Sony fan. I just bought a 360 after my PS2. But it goes to show that all you speculators (inlcuding me) underestimated Sony. But who knows? It might be all different in this fierce battle.

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